Few minutes later he went to Milhouse house, he told to him the idea and Milhouse enter in the band, after that they went to Ralph house and they told to he, he didn't know what is a jackass band but he accept.
The three peoples saw same videos about jackass and they thought that this things were to dificult for them.

-what we can do? -Milhouse ask
-i don't know- said Bart
the three boys thougth about what they can do when Ralph said
-i' m hungry
-what a good idea -said exited Bart
Milhouse and Ralph didn't understand anything
-we can do a mixture with special ingrdients...
-why not? it's good to start
-i want some milk -said Ralph
-yes Ralph-said Bart-milk is going to be the first ingredient
-and we can put some parsley and... chocolate!! -exclaim Milhouse
-why not some chilli too? -ask Bart
-ok-answer Milhouse -and to finish some ketchup-
the three boys went to Barts house and started to do the mixture when they finish they beat it,
then they put it in three gasses
-Ralph prepare the camera
when the three boys were in fron of the camera Bart exlaim:
-one, two, drink!
the three boys started to drink and inmediatly they fall on the floor...
Two days later the three boys were in the hospital, they speak about they going to be rich with this video... But when the going to see the video they discover that there isn't any tape in the camera...

-RAAALPHH shauted Milhouse and Bart
1 comentario:
Monica Hi how are you? Do you remember me? I keep waiting for this reunion of old pupils and good and I have offered to help with the Augustine Institute's Web although it seems that the guestbook is not working. Well forgive my poor English, but you know that no ball hit in your class!
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